Advanced Reactors


IAEA's Annual Report 1995 - Nuclear Power - Advanced Reactors - Fact Sheet

NEI's Advanced Design - Fact Sheet

General Electric's GE Nuclear Energy: Advanced Reactors

Westinghouse Advanced Technology Business Area

INEL's Advanced Test Reactor


UC Berkeley Advanced BWR

Introduction to the ALMR/PRISM

The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR)

The Unofficial MHTGR Home Page

The Simplified Boiling Water Reactor

The System 80+

The Accelerator Tansmutation of Waste System

Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor

The Fifty Percent Efficient Nuclear Power Plant- GT-MHR



BLS Report on Occupational Fatalities (1995)

FRONTLINE's Disasters and Deathtolls and Comparison of Fatalities for Major Industries

FRONTLINE's Trend in Nuclear Power Plant Orders in the United States

FRONTLINE's Radiation Dose Terms

FRONTLINE's US Reactors in Western States

FRONTLINE's US Reactors in North Central States

FRONTLINE's US Reactors in Northeastern and Middle Atlantic States

FRONTLINE's US Reactors - Southeastern and Southern State


FRONTLINE: nuclear reaction: policy on reprocessing - FRONTLINE: nuclear reaction: PRESIDENTIAL ACTIONS - A BRIEF HISTORY - FRONTLINE: nuclear reaction: PLUTONIUM IN SPENT FUEL

FRONTLINE: nuclear reaction: Plutonium Reprocessing